5 Easy Steps to Make a DIY Refresh Spray

5 Easy Steps to Make a DIY Refresh Spray - Miribel Naturals

Life can be so tiring! Some days we're motivated to do an entire wash day routine. Other days, we just rock the bun or ponytail.

We get it, though. Sometimes you might want to wear your hair down! So, what do you do if you don't have time for a shower and styling? Don't worry, just make a spray! Read on to learn the 5 Easy Steps to Make a DIY Refresh Spray.


STEP 1: Fill Your Spray Bottle

Fill your favorite Flairosol bottle with about 1-2 ounces of water.

STEP 2: Add the Dreamy Hair Cream

Take about nickel-sized amount of Dreamy Hair Cream and add it to the water. You can adjust this amount based on your hair type.

STEP 3: Add the Silky Smooth Flaxseed Gel

Add about a dime-sized amount of Silky Smooth Flaxseed Gel to the water. You can also adjust this amount based on your hair type.

STEP 4: Shake It, Baby!

Once you have everything in your spray bottle, give it a good shake! You'll see the water turn from clear to a cloudy white. Then, you'll know the products are mixed up!

STEP 5: Style and Go!

Split your hair into 3 sections down and 2 across. Spray each section and finger comb or brush the product through. Use a diffuser to dry your hair and go about your day!

~ Miribel Method: For this refresh routine, we used the Dreamy Hair Cream and Silky Smooth Flaxseed Gel. You can also substitute the Powerhouse Protein Cream for one of the other products, if needed.

NOTE: This mixture will last a few days before it should be discarded. Remember to rinse out your Flairosol bottle thoroughly. Spray clean water through the nozzle and allow it to air dry.



Hey hey, you made it through! Wash-free days are no longer a struggle! Did you like what you read? Have a question? Have a different, favorite way to refresh? Leave us a comment!


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